
Wood Hat Shape for 6 euro! - Kalapfa a Vateráról!

Dublinból hazaérve az elő dolgaim egyike az első nemezkalapom újragyúrása és formára szárítása volt.
A formázáshoz egy fazekat használtam, ám a fazék nagy volt, így a kalap túl bő lett. Még aznap este a vaterát böngészve akadtam rá egy kalapfára, amit nem egészen egy napja tett fel egy hölgy.
1 forintról indult az aukció és fix áron 1600 Ft volt. Azonnal megvettem, nem bírtam volna kivárni a közel két hetet, különösen mert egy hasonló nemezelős emberkének is azonnal megérte volna ennyiért. Újonnan majdnem a tízszerese....és az előtte lévő 3 hónapban (ennyi időre lehet visszanézni) nem is volt kalapfa aukció és most sincs.

Our garden with black tulip
When I arrived from Dublin from the Hungarian-Irish Felting Commit one of my first job was to reroll my first felted hat and redry it on a shape. For this I used a cooking pot, but it was little bit wider so the hat became also loose. That day night I was browsing the Hungarian auction site (Vatera) and I discovered a wooden hatshape auction. It started when our plane arrived in Budapest...The price was beginning from 1 HUF, and the fix price was 1600 HUF (=6 Euro). I buyed it promptly, I was not able to wait any second.A new ones price is almost tenfold and it is very rare. In the last 3 months there has not been any wooden hatshape.

Felting a large rug - Így készül a nemeztakaró

Az elkészült nemeztakaró - The felted rug is ready
Szombaton végre valahára kimozdultunk Zsófival. Zsófi kéthetes bárányhimlője,  és azt követően Andris skarlátos időszaka alatt nem nagyon találkoztam a barátaimmal. Így nagyon örültem, hogy Zsófival szombaton elmehettünk takarót gyúrni.
Ez a takaró az enyém lett, közösen találtuk ki a mintáját és együtt készítettük.

Saturday we went to felt a blanket with Sophie. It was high time to going out, I felt some claustrophobia due to the long periods of the illnesses of my children (chicken pox, scarlet). So I was very happy for going away from home. This blanket was going to me, although the design is common and we created it together.

Mintakivágás / Cutting of the deers
A gyapjú natúr színű, fehér és barna. Mindenki rajzolt egy szarvast, így lett 12 különböző szarvasunk. Ezeket kivágtuk a fehér előnemezből, amit már korábban gyúrtunk:

The wool has two kind of natural colour: woolwhite and brown. Everybody was drawing a deer, so we had 12 different deers. We cut the deers from the white prefelted wool, which was done earlier:

Fehér szarvasok / The white deers
Minta lerakás a vizes alapra /
Putting the design on the wet base
A minták vizezése, körberakás /
Watering the design
A takaró szegélye is felkerült /
The border of the blanket
Beborítottuk barna gyapjú tépésekkel /
Covering the blanket with brown tufts

Hengerelés / Rolling

Baby blanket with tulips - Nemezelt tulipános babatakaró

Az első nagy nemezmunkámon hagymával sárgára festett előnemezből készültek a tulipán és virágmotívumok. 
Kis lépés egy nagy úton.

We moved to our village almost 5 years ago.
We rented a house for a year while building ours and our elder son started the local Waldorf kindergarten.
He needed some time to get to settle in the kindergarten, and I think it was me who really wanted to belong to this nice community around the kindergarten. 
The first year was special for me because I met so many nice Waldorf families and I was amazed by the celebration of the feasts.
I discovered the felting craft for me at this time.
There was a nice family in this community, whose oldest daughter finished the kindergarten that year.
I had one year to know them and than they moved to London.

9 months later we got the news that they had a new baby.
There is a tradition in this community that we are making something nice craft to every newborn baby.
This time we felted a rug with a blanket. 
It was my first big felting work, of course it was made by more people, not just me. 
This beautiful yellow was dyed by onion.


Waldorf inspired wall hanging with magic tree - Nemezelt életfa falikép

Ez a falikép is egy Waldorf óvoda falát dísziti.

Two years ago our eldest son has fnished the local Waldorf Kindergarten.
He spent three years there and by the end he became a strong boy ready for the school.
There is a beautyful closing cerenomy, called Summer Feast.
For this event parents make and buy presents for the Teachers and also for the kindergarten.
There is always a present which is made by the help of the children.
Two years ago we felted a fairy tale tree for the kindergarden.
Now it is situated in the Tale Room, which is a small room and it is used only for the time of tale-telling.
Every 6 children made a piece of felt, which are under the green crown circles.
It is a common work, although it was designed by my friend and me and we managed the whole rolling process also.
Andris made the little house in the upright corner.

Little felted angels - Nemezelt karácsonyi angyalkák

Felted gold angel
Felted pink angel

Karácsonyi angyalokat nemezeltem két éve a családomnak.
Little angels were made for my mother and my sister two years ago for Christmas.

Daisy Doll - Margarétalány

Szerettem babákat készíteni, elősorban Waldorf babákat. Ő egy kis kézbe való gyönyörűség, ajándékba készült, emlékét ez a fotó örzi.

Little daisy girl
This little daisy doll was made after we moved to this village where we still live.
In the first year we rented a house while our own house had been built.
We had a terrace with garden and my boys could play in the garden while I was able to do something else in the house.
Something else was usually cooking or making crafts.
This was the first year when my elder son went to the Waldorf Kindergarten and I was amazed by the beautiful handmade toys, dolls there.
So I tried to do some of them in my "spare time".
If you have spare time during a period of building a house with two small children please tell me how did you get that.
This little daisy doll was made for the birthday of my best girlfriend's elder daughter 4 years ago.

It was sewn from felt based on the guide of making a Waldorf doll.

Waldorf Inspired Wall Hanging - Nemez falitakaró manóknak

Ez a növényi festésű gapyjú felhasználásával készült falikép egy Waldorf óvoda falát díszíti. Közös munka, sok-sok kéz segített a létrehozásában. Köszönet érte. 

This felted tapestry hangs on the wood wall separating the kitchen of our kindergarden. It was made for the 20th anniversary of the kindergarden.

Gnomes are dancing around a nice landscape with big tree and little pond. There are little pockets where you can hide little gnomes in. The children liked this possibility very much. I felted some nice glassbeads and seeshell in the pond, some of them were digged out...I was so glad to make this tapestry for our so loved kindergarden.
All the wool I used was handdyied by Agnes Kemendi with natural dyes. I loved the so many green and brown tones.