
Baby blanket with tulips - Nemezelt tulipános babatakaró

Az első nagy nemezmunkámon hagymával sárgára festett előnemezből készültek a tulipán és virágmotívumok. 
Kis lépés egy nagy úton.

We moved to our village almost 5 years ago.
We rented a house for a year while building ours and our elder son started the local Waldorf kindergarten.
He needed some time to get to settle in the kindergarten, and I think it was me who really wanted to belong to this nice community around the kindergarten. 
The first year was special for me because I met so many nice Waldorf families and I was amazed by the celebration of the feasts.
I discovered the felting craft for me at this time.
There was a nice family in this community, whose oldest daughter finished the kindergarten that year.
I had one year to know them and than they moved to London.

9 months later we got the news that they had a new baby.
There is a tradition in this community that we are making something nice craft to every newborn baby.
This time we felted a rug with a blanket. 
It was my first big felting work, of course it was made by more people, not just me. 
This beautiful yellow was dyed by onion.

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