
Felted winter lamp with lace - Téli nemezelt csipkés lámpa

Selyem, nagymama csipkéje és finom ausztrál merinoi gyapjú segítségével készült ez a romantikus nemezlámpa.

I think this is a very romantic and lovely lamp. 
I loved every moment of felting this.
 I was dreaming of it for quite a long time.
I combined silk and hand-made lace between two thin layer. 
Its light is miraculous.


Felted lamp with flowers - Gomba nemezlámpa

A gombalámpa melletti képen Jennifer zongorázik egy szíciliai kisváros főterén.

On the photo: an english lady is playing on piano on a square of a Sicilian town 
 This was the very first lamp I made at a workshop with Erika Kostyal.  The mushroom hat was made later and it is very popular for little kids.

Felted lamp with stars on the sky - Nemezelt lámpa: esti égbolt

Egy nemezlámpa Jennifernek, aki végig biciklizte Európát és ahol lehetősége volt, Beethovent zongorázott. Nekünk is nagy örömet szerzett a játékával, hálás vagyok, hogy ismerhettem.

This lamp was made for Jennifer. She went through some countries of Europe, and played Beethoven on piano where she had a chance.
This is a winter landscape with the stars sparkling on the sky.  A little cat climbed on the naked winter tree.
The lamp looks very different whether the lamp is on or off.

Daylight - can you see the little cat?
Éjjel - ragyognak a csillagok - In the night - sparkling  stars


Felted table mushroom lamp - Gomba nemez lámpa

Több éve már, hogy szerelembe estem a nemezlámpákkal.
Szeretem a meleg, lágy fényük, ahogy a sötétben egészen misztikusan sugárzik át a vékony nemezhuzaton a fény. Rengeteg lehetőség van benne, gyerekszobák mesés kiegészítője.

I really love to make felted lamps. I bought some framework from a feltmaker and I have made them as a present. Everyone loved it. And the wool is very practical for this purpose: it is enough thin to let the light through, and it is enough safe (the wool  is not flameable). The light around the lamp is very warn, friendly. I like to make a "hat" for the lamp, so the light is dimmed with the hat on it.
Can you see the green grass on the edge of the lamp?