
Felted table mushroom lamp - Gomba nemez lámpa

Több éve már, hogy szerelembe estem a nemezlámpákkal.
Szeretem a meleg, lágy fényük, ahogy a sötétben egészen misztikusan sugárzik át a vékony nemezhuzaton a fény. Rengeteg lehetőség van benne, gyerekszobák mesés kiegészítője.

I really love to make felted lamps. I bought some framework from a feltmaker and I have made them as a present. Everyone loved it. And the wool is very practical for this purpose: it is enough thin to let the light through, and it is enough safe (the wool  is not flameable). The light around the lamp is very warn, friendly. I like to make a "hat" for the lamp, so the light is dimmed with the hat on it.
Can you see the green grass on the edge of the lamp?

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